Pumping Marvellous Foundation

Pumping Marvellous Foundation

About us

The Pumping Marvellous Foundation

(PMF) is the UK’s patient-led Heart Failure charity. It was founded by a heart failure patient whose experiences whilst rehabilitating have shaped the Foundation’s goals and principles of a patient-centric charity focused on improved patient outcomes. These include helping people live better with heart failure through education and peer to peer support whilst advocating for heart failure patients at a national level across the 4 nations. We also work delivering patients insights at a European and Global level. 

About Heart Failure

Heart Failure is a life-threatening condition in which the heart cannot pump enough blood around the body. It impacts all age groups.

  • It affects approximately 1 million people in the UK and 64 million people worldwide.
  • It is a chronic disease where around 50% of patients will die within five years of diagnosis.
  • Heart Failure mortality risk is worse than some of the most common cancers (prostate, breast, and bladder cancer).
  • It is the leading cause of hospitalisation for those over 65. It represents a significant clinical and economic burden.


About the BeatHF Campaign

The Pumping Marvellous Foundation has been running a national campaign to raise awareness to make heart failure clearer for everyone.



Ankle Swelling

Time for a blood test

Let's #BeatHF together!


Why Is Your Support So Important?

The much-missed, marvelous patient educator Rob, explains the very real impact of our charity and the vital support for patients and their families enabled by your contributions and support.


We offer support to sufferers of heart failure, their carers, and family. We support them by talking through problems and by sharing their challenges. We feel as though we can reduce the burden of heart failure to both the person with it and their family. We supply 100,000 pieces of patient information across a rolling 12 month period to NHS teams to distribute to patients and their families.


We represent the opinions and needs of heart failure patients across the UK. We give the patient a voice where representation is needed, at the top table. We demonstrate the needs of patients via patients through their experiences.

Self Management

We offer patients and families help on how to self-manage their heart failure through coaching and developing them through the peaks and troughs of managing heart failure.


We work with clinicians and decision-makers as to how the patient voice can improve care for people suffering from heart failure.


We work with all stakeholders in heart failure to ensure that the patient's needs around access to the latest therapies are heard. We work towards universal access to the best medications and interventions.


Awareness is key to increasing the quality of care for people suffering from heart failure as without awareness then we feel that heart failure doesn’t have the voice its impact warrants.

Support us to continue helping people and their families live better with heart failure - help us raise the funds we need.

Contact Us



Pumping Marvellous Foundation
Suite 111, Business First
Millennium City Park, Millennium City Road

Registered Charity Number: 1151848

Telephone: + (0) 1772 796542

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